Bank Reconciliations: Everything You Need to Know

When you have a bank account, it’s important to know how much money you have on hand. But what if your bank statement shows that you have more money than usual? That can be confusing. In fact, it may be one of the first signs that something is wrong with your business or personal finances. The purpose of this article is to explain why reconciling your bank accounts is so important and how to do it correctly. We’ll also cover what type of data should be included in a reconciliation report and why it matters for both personal and business finances. What is a reconciliation? Reconciliation is an audit of your bank account. It's a way to check that your balance is accurate, and it will help you make sure all transactions are recorded accurately in your financial records. Reconciling means comparing what you see on the screen with what's been reported by the bank-and if there's a discrepancy between these two figures, then it might be time for some changes! How is a bank recon...